1] using NuGet a excellent package management system for the Dotnet install DotnetOpenAuth or download it from SourceForge DotnetOpenAuth Latest version.
2] Then Create your App on Twitter Dev Do not forget to add Callback URL – if you don’t have anything add http://www.example.com\mytwitter\
3] you need to use given twitterConsumerKeys and TwitterConsumerSecret keys to request authorisation to your app. Add these keys into Web.config as a appSettings
1: <!-- Twitter sign-up: https://twitter.com/oauth_clients
2: -->
3: <add key="twitterConsumerKey"
4: value="qjohqNt4kU1iNTQtJSN8Xg" />
5: <add
6: key="twitterConsumerSecret" value="fo8dzQPx4es0qyULrsmt8IeGWKHndbBvnBtCVp5Hb8"
7: />
4] Add below code on Controller Action or on Page Load.
2: var twitter = new
3: WebConsumer(TwitterConsumer.ServiceDescription,
4: this.TokenManager);
6: // check if Twitter calling back with
7: authorization?
9: var accessTokenResponse =
10: twitter.ProcessUserAuthorization();
12: if (accessTokenResponse !=
13: null)
15: {
17: //If you have accesstoek then do
18: something
19: }
20: else if
21: (this.AccessToken ==
22: null)
24: {
26: // If we don't yet have access, immediately request
27: it.
29: twitter.Channel.Send(twitter.PrepareRequestUserAuthorization());
31: }
5] add TokenManager
2: private InMemoryTokenManager
3: TokenManager
5: {
7: get
9: {
11: var tokenManager =
12: (InMemoryTokenManager)Session["TwitterTokenManager"];
14: if (tokenManager ==
15: null)
17: {
19: string consumerKey =
20: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerKey"];
22: string consumerSecret =
23: ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerSecret"];
25: if
26: (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(consumerKey))
28: {
30: tokenManager = new InMemoryTokenManager(consumerKey,
31: consumerSecret);
33: Session["TwitterTokenManager"] =
34: tokenManager;
36: }
38: }
40: return
41: tokenManager;
43: }
44: }
46: 6] and TokenManagerClass
47: public class InMemoryTokenManager : IConsumerTokenManager,
48: IOpenIdOAuthTokenManager
49: {
50: private
51: Dictionary<string, string> tokensAndSecrets = new Dictionary<string,
52: string>();
53: ///
54: <summary>
55: /// Initializes a new instance
56: of the <see cref="InMemoryTokenManager"/>
57: class.
58: ///
59: </summary>
60: /// <param
61: name="consumerKey">The consumer
62: key.</param>
63: /// <param
64: name="consumerSecret">The consumer
65: secret.</param>
66: public
67: InMemoryTokenManager(string consumerKey, string
68: consumerSecret)
70: {
71: if
72: (String.IsNullOrEmpty(consumerKey))
74: {
76: throw new
77: ArgumentNullException("consumerKey");
79: }
80: this.ConsumerKey =
81: consumerKey;
83: this.ConsumerSecret = consumerSecret;
84: }
85: ///
86: <summary>
87: /// Gets the consumer
88: key.
89: ///
90: </summary>
91: /// <value>The consumer
92: key.</value>
93: public string ConsumerKey {
94: get; private set; }
95: ///
96: <summary>
97: /// Gets the consumer
98: secret.
99: ///
100: </summary>
101: /// <value>The consumer
102: secret.</value>
103: public string
104: ConsumerSecret { get; private set; }
105: #region ITokenManager Members
106: ///
107: <summary>
108: /// Gets the Token Secret
109: given a request or access token.
110: ///
111: </summary>
112: /// <param
113: name="token">The request or access
114: token.</param>
115: ///
116: <returns>
117: /// The secret associated with
118: the given token.
119: ///
120: </returns>
121: /// <exception
122: cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the secret cannot be found for the given
123: token.</exception>
124: public string
125: GetTokenSecret(string token)
127: {
128: return
129: this.tokensAndSecrets[token];
130: }
131: ///
132: <summary>
133: /// Stores a newly generated
134: unauthorized request token, secret, and
135: optional
136: /// application-specific parameters
137: for later recall.
138: ///
139: </summary>
140: /// <param
141: name="request">The request message that resulted in the generation of a new
142: unauthorized request token.</param>
143: ///
144: <param name="response">The response message that includes the unauthorized
145: request token.</param>
146: /// <exception
147: cref="ArgumentException">Thrown if the consumer key is not registered, or a
148: required parameter was not found in the parameters
149: collection.</exception>
150: ///
151: <remarks>
152: /// Request tokens stored by
153: this method SHOULD NOT associate any user account with this
154: token.
155: /// It usually opens up security holes
156: in your application to do so. Instead, you associate a
157: user
158: /// account with access tokens (not
159: request tokens) in the <see
160: cref="ExpireRequestTokenAndStoreNewAccessToken"/>
162: /// method.
163: ///
164: </remarks>
165: public void
166: StoreNewRequestToken(UnauthorizedTokenRequest request,
167: ITokenSecretContainingMessage response)
169: {
171: this.tokensAndSecrets[response.Token] =
172: response.TokenSecret;
173: }
174: ///
175: <summary>
176: /// Deletes a request token
177: and its associated secret and stores a new access token and
178: secret.
179: ///
180: </summary>
181: /// <param
182: name="consumerKey">The Consumer that is exchanging its request token for an
183: access token.</param>
184: /// <param
185: name="requestToken">The Consumer's request token that should be
186: deleted/expired.</param>
187: /// <param
188: name="accessToken">The new access token that is being issued to the
189: Consumer.</param>
190: /// <param
191: name="accessTokenSecret">The secret associated with the newly issued access
192: token.</param>
193: ///
194: <remarks>
195: ///
196: <para>
197: /// Any scope of granted
198: privileges associated with the request token from
199: the
200: /// original call to <see
201: cref="StoreNewRequestToken"/> should be carried
202: over
203: /// to the new Access
204: Token.
205: ///
206: </para>
207: ///
208: <para>
209: /// To associate a user account
210: with the new access token,
211: /// <see
212: cref="System.Web.HttpContext.User">HttpContext.Current.User</see> may
213: be
214: /// useful in an ASP.NET web application
215: within the implementation of this method.
216: ///
217: Alternatively you may store the access token here without associating with a
218: user account,
219: /// and wait until <see
220: cref="WebConsumer.ProcessUserAuthorization()"/>
221: or
222: /// <see
223: cref="DesktopConsumer.ProcessUserAuthorization(string, string)"/> return the
224: access
225: /// token to associate the access token
226: with a user account at that point.
227: ///
228: </para>
229: ///
230: </remarks>
231: public void
232: ExpireRequestTokenAndStoreNewAccessToken(string consumerKey, string
233: requestToken, string accessToken, string
234: accessTokenSecret)
236: {
238: this.tokensAndSecrets.Remove(requestToken);
240: this.tokensAndSecrets[accessToken] =
241: accessTokenSecret;
242: }
243: ///
244: <summary>
245: /// Classifies a token as a
246: request token or an access token.
247: ///
248: </summary>
249: /// <param
250: name="token">The token to
251: classify.</param>
252: ///
253: <returns>Request or Access token, or invalid if the token is not
254: recognized.</returns>
255: public TokenType
256: GetTokenType(string token)
258: {
259: throw new
260: NotImplementedException();
261: }
262: #endregion
263: #region IOpenIdOAuthTokenManager Members
264: ///
265: <summary>
266: /// Stores a new request token
267: obtained over an OpenID request.
268: ///
269: </summary>
270: /// <param
271: name="consumerKey">The consumer
272: key.</param>
273: /// <param
274: name="authorization">The authorization message carrying the request token and
275: authorized access scope.</param>
276: ///
277: <remarks>
278: ///
279: <para>The token secret is the empty
280: string.</para>
282: /// <para>Tokens stored by this method should be
283: short-lived to mitigate
284: /// possible security
285: threats. Their lifetime should be sufficient for
286: the
287: /// relying party to receive the positive
288: authentication assertion and immediately
289: ///
290: send a follow-up request for the access
291: token.</para>
292: ///
293: </remarks>
294: public void
295: StoreOpenIdAuthorizedRequestToken(string consumerKey,
296: AuthorizationApprovedResponse authorization)
298: {
300: this.tokensAndSecrets[authorization.RequestToken] =
301: String.Empty;
302: }
303: #endregion
304: }
now run your code and You will be asked for permission to connect to your twitter account.
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