This is my very first blog and I am truly excited…honestly little bit nervous. This is something I've wanted to do for a long time, but wasn't sure How ,Why, Where, What to do it?
Before we proceed further let me introduce myself. Who am I?
I am currently working as a Software Developer on Microsoft Platform. I am eager to explore new technologies, productivity tools for faster development ,TDD development, etc.
Currently exploring my knowledge on MVC,SPARK view engine, jQuery,WPF,Windows phone 7and F#.
I am also doing study on Achievements of Ancient Indian Civilisation, benefits of Ayuerveda, Yoga and Meditiatation.
Why I am here?
Scott Hanselman - has a very good Video
video on technical blogging. Please visit it. And i wanted to do ot for a long time so I am here..
I will be posting my views, problems i have solved, Solution Source code ,Links for other interesting Pod casts, Videos. Etc.
I will try to publish 1 or 2 posts for every month.
So see you soon again.